Multiplication and Division (2) - Divide 2-digits by 1 -digit - Starter

Maths Resource Description
In a mathematics lesson aimed at Year 5 students during the Spring term, children are presented with a variety of tasks to strengthen their understanding of multiplication and division. The lesson starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, where students are encouraged to solve arithmetic problems including addition, subtraction, and division with two-digit and one-digit numbers. This warm-up is designed to revise and consolidate their numerical fluency. The main activity involves a real-world application question: calculating the distance a train travels in a given time. With a speed of 32 metres per second, students are tasked with determining how far the train moves in 26 minutes, integrating their skills in multiplication and converting units of time.
Further into the lesson, students are challenged with a geometry-focused task. They are asked to plot given points on a grid, leading to the creation of a specific shape. Through this exercise, they explore coordinates and shapes, and identify the resulting figure as a parallelogram. Additionally, the children engage in a comparative exercise to determine which of several shapes has the largest surface area. This part of the lesson requires analytical thinking and spatial awareness, as they consider how different shapes can be manipulated and compared in terms of their coverage. Overall, the activities are designed to foster a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and their practical applications.