Multiplication and Division (2) - Divide 2-digits by 1 -digit - Planning

Maths Resource Description
The lesson plan for Year 5 students focuses on the concept of dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, a skill that builds on their earlier learning from Year 3. The lesson aims to deepen their understanding of division by introducing more complex scenarios where they might need to exchange between tens and ones. To facilitate learning, resources such as place value counters, worksheets, and a presentation are provided. Key vocabulary terms like 'dividing,' 'division,' 'divisor,' 'exchange,' and 'share' are highlighted, with vocabulary cards and definitions available to support the students' comprehension.
During the class, children begin by recapping previous learning through starter questions, reinforcing their familiarity with division. The main activity involves using place value counters to model the division of a number like 36 into equal groups, demonstrating the process of dividing tens and then ones. This hands-on approach allows students to visualise and understand the division process more concretely. In the second activity, the concept of exchanging is introduced, where leftover tens are exchanged for ones to facilitate even division. The lesson is structured to prompt critical thinking through key questions and to address common misconceptions, such as the importance of dividing tens before ones. The plenary session includes a reflective 'Give me five' exercise where students assess what they've learned, the skills they've used, and the challenges they've faced. Differentiated activities cater to varying levels of mastery, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth through problem-solving and reasoning.