Multiplication and Division (2) - Multiply 4-Digits by 1-Digit (Pictorial representations) - Starter

Maths Resource Description
In a Year 5 mathematics lesson focused on multiplication and division, students are presented with a series of tasks designed to strengthen their numerical fluency and problem-solving skills. The lesson begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, where pupils tackle a variety of calculations, such as multiplying 6 by 9 and finding the product of half of 214 multiplied by three. This quick-fire revision sets the stage for the day's learning, ensuring that foundational skills are sharp and ready for application.
The main activity challenges students to multiply a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number using pictorial representations to aid their understanding. They must fill in the blanks within a given grid that breaks down the numbers into hundreds (H), tens (T), and ones (O), then proceed to solve the calculation. Additionally, the students are tasked with finding the perimeter of a rectangle by adding the lengths of its sides, given in millimetres. In a practical application of their maths skills, they are asked to determine which two items a character named Sandy could buy from a vase shop with £14, and to calculate the change she would receive from a £50 note, selecting the correct amounts from a list of prices. These exercises not only reinforce mathematical concepts but also incorporate real-life scenarios to enhance the students' comprehension and engagement.