Multiplication and Division (2) - Multiply 4-Digits by 1-Digit (Pictorial representations) - Planning

Maths Resource Description
In the Year 5 curriculum focusing on Multiplication and Division, one of the key lessons involves teaching students how to multiply 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number through pictorial representations. The lesson begins with a starter activity that recaps previous learning and sets the stage for the new concept. Students are introduced to the process using concrete manipulatives to visually represent the multiplication of a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number. The class teaching input includes a demonstration of how to use pictorial representations alongside the column method to solve a multiplication problem. For example, students explore how to multiply 2,014 by 3, starting with the ones column and working through to the thousands, ensuring they understand the concept of exchanging when more than ten counters accumulate in a single place value column.
The lesson progresses with independent learning activities, where students work on differentiated fluency and reasoning worksheets. They are encouraged to discuss their strategies and share answers in small groups. In one activity, students read a word problem involving weekly earnings and calculate the total amount over a period of four weeks. They are guided to represent the problem using place value counters and charts, reinforcing the step-by-step process of multiplication using the column method. The plenary involves a reflective 'Give me five' session where students consider what they have learnt, the skills they used and found tricky, and what they will remember from the lesson. The activities are designed to cater to different levels of understanding, from working towards fluency to achieving greater depth, with more complex reasoning and problem-solving tasks for advanced students.