Addition and Subtraction - Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange - Starter

Year 5
Addition and Subtraction - Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Autumn Term's fourth week, Year 5 students are presented with a series of mathematical starters designed to enhance their fluency in addition and subtraction through a variety of exercises. The tasks include adding two 4-digit numbers with one exchange, such as calculating the sum of 6,382 and 679. They are also required to fill in the missing numbers in sequences that challenge their understanding of place value, asking them to identify the number that is 1,000 more or 1,000 less than a given number. Additionally, the students tackle decomposition by breaking down a 5-digit number into its constituent parts of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.

The exercises further extend to solving area problems where students must determine the area of a shape in square units. They are prompted to think critically about strategies to avoid counting the same square more than once, ensuring accuracy in their calculations. For example, the area of a complex shape is worked out by dividing it into rectangles and squares, multiplying their dimensions, and summing the areas to get the total. In this case, the area is calculated as 38 square units. Through these activities, students practice essential arithmetic skills and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts.

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