Addition and Subtraction - Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange - Presentation

Year 5
Addition and Subtraction - Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

The educational presentation focuses on the mathematical concept of adding two 4-digit numbers, specifically highlighting the process when an exchange is required. The term 'exchange' in arithmetic refers to carrying over a value from one column to the next during addition when the sum exceeds the base value of ten. This fundamental element of addition is explored through a series of interactive activities. In these activities, learners are encouraged to use place value counters to visually represent the addition process, observing the results in each column and exchanging counters where necessary to ensure correct place value representation. For example, ten ones are exchanged for a ten counter, and similarly, ten tens are exchanged for a hundred counter, and ten hundreds for a thousand counter, to find the final sum.

Throughout the presentation, learners are guided to write down the calculations numerically, showing the exchanged value beneath the appropriate column, reinforcing the concept of exchange in addition. The presentation includes practical examples such as calculating the combined cost of items like phones, laptops, and watches, providing real-world context to the mathematical operations. Additionally, students are prompted to discuss and reason out the maximum number of counters allowed in each place value column and the steps taken when an exchange is necessary. The presentation culminates with a problem-solving scenario where characters Tia, Rosie, and Leanna demonstrate different strategies for adding two 4-digit numbers, encouraging learners to identify correct and incorrect methods and to understand the importance of correctly exchanging values during addition.

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