Place value - Represent numbers to 10,000 - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
The "Represent Numbers to 10,000" worksheet is an educational resource designed to help Year 6 students grasp the concept of place value. The National Curriculum objective for this lesson is to identify, represent, and estimate numbers using various representations, including reading and writing numbers up to 10,000 in both numerals and words. To facilitate learning, practical equipment such as base 10 blocks is recommended, allowing children to visually differentiate between thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. The worksheet provides differentiated sheets and teaching slides, and introduces vocabulary like 'numerals', 'represent', 'base 10', 'hundreds', and 'thousands'. Students are tasked with completing tables that represent numbers to 10,000, primarily using base 10 and base 100, to build fluency and precision in understanding large numbers.
The worksheet encourages reasoning and problem-solving by posing key questions about the construction of numbers and the significance of having more than nine of the same unit. For example, it asks what happens if you have 10 tens or 11 tens, or what about 11 ones? Through a series of pictorial representations and corresponding numbers, students practice and demonstrate their understanding of place value. They are also challenged to consider different ways of representing the same number and to solve problems where they must determine missing amounts from given values. The worksheet includes answers for self-assessment, ensuring students can verify their understanding and correct any misconceptions. This comprehensive approach to learning place value aims to deepen students' number sense and prepare them for more complex mathematical concepts.