Convert Between Miles and Kilometres 6 - Reasoning

Year 6
Convert Between Miles and Kilometres 6 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In a reasoning task focused on Measurement, students are challenged to convert distances between miles and kilometres and plot the resulting points on a grid. The task involves a series of conversions, including 5.5 miles being approximately equal to 8.9 kilometres, and 14.4 kilometres being roughly equivalent to 8.9 miles. Additionally, it is established that 1.6 kilometres is close to 1 mile, and 40 miles is exactly 64.4 kilometres. This last conversion is used to validate the truth of the statement that 5.5 miles equals 8.9 kilometres.

Students are then tasked with finding the missing values for the given conversions. They must calculate and fill in the blanks for how many kilometres are equivalent to 5.5 miles, the number of miles that correspond to 14.4 kilometres, and so on. After completing these calculations, they are instructed to plot the points on a grid and connect them with a line. The exercise includes a true or false question, asking whether the plotted line will pass through the point (55,89) on the grid. To answer this, students must understand the scale and relationship between the units of measurement and apply this to the graphical representation on the grid. The activity not only tests their conversion skills but also their ability to interpret and plot data on a graph.