Convert Between Miles and Kilometres 4 - Reasoning

Year 6
Convert Between Miles and Kilometres 4 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In a reasoning task about converting between miles and kilometres, students are presented with a scenario where Leanna has converted a distance from miles to kilometres and displayed the results on a grid. The grid is a visual aid that allows students to extend a line to find conversions between the two units of measurement. Leanna's conversion shows that 96 kilometres is approximately equivalent to 60 miles, and it is stated that she has performed this conversion correctly. However, a character named Rosie suggests that there is a mistake in Leanna's conversion.

The task challenges students to scrutinize the grid and Leanna's conversion to identify any potential errors that Rosie might be referring to. They are encouraged to observe the grid closely and use their estimation skills to determine if the equivalent distance in miles for 96 kilometres has been accurately represented. Students must engage in critical thinking to confirm the accuracy of the conversion and address Rosie's claim about a mistake. This activity not only tests their understanding of the conversion process but also their ability to apply reasoning to validate mathematical representations.