Properties of shape - Compare angles​ - Worksheet

Year 3
Properties of shape - Compare angles​ - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet on comparing angles is designed to enhance children's understanding of different types of angles through reasoning and problem-solving tasks. It provides practical exercises where students measure, compare, and reason about angles in various contexts. The worksheet introduces the terms 'acute' and 'obtuse' to describe angles smaller or larger than a right angle, respectively. Students are prompted to use these new terms as they identify and label angles by comparing them to right angles. The worksheet not only helps in recognising the angles but also in using comparison symbols to articulate the relationship between the angles they observe.

Further exercises on the worksheet involve fluency and precision tasks where students fill in the blanks to categorise angles as greater or less than a right angle, identifying them as either obtuse or acute. For instance, they might be given the statement "This angle is _____________ than a right angle, it is an ______________ angle," and they must use their understanding to complete the sentences correctly. The worksheet also incorporates creative thinking by asking students to consider what times on a clock would create acute or obtuse angles. Answers are provided to guide the students and confirm their reasoning. Additionally, they are tasked with labelling acute and obtuse angles within given diagrams, solidifying their comprehension of angle comparison.

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