Multiplication and division - Multiple by 3 - Worksheet

Year 3
Multiplication and division - Multiple by 3 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheet titled "Multiplying by 3" is designed to help Year 6 students master multiplication by 3 through a variety of fluency, precision, reasoning, and problem-solving activities. The National Curriculum objective is to count in multiples of 4, 8, 50, and 100, as well as to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 times tables. To facilitate learning, differentiated sheets and teaching slides are provided as resources. Key vocabulary words such as 'multiplication', 'multiply', 'multiples', 'equal groups', 'number sentence', and 'represent' are highlighted to enhance understanding.

Students begin by drawing on their knowledge of counting in threes to solve problems that involve multiplying by 3. They use concrete and pictorial methods to represent and solve questions, which helps them understand the concept of equal groups. For instance, children may be asked to calculate the total number of wheels in a set of tricycles or the total number of sweets shared among children. The worksheets prompt students to express their calculations through repeated addition and multiplication number sentences. As they progress, they encounter word problems that require them to write their own repeated addition sentences and multiplication calculations, with the option to use arrays or bar models for visual representation. The aim is for students to become fluent in multiplying by 3, using known facts to solve more complex multiplication questions, such as 64 x 3, by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable calculations.

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