Multiplication and division - Multiple by 3 - Starter

Year 3
Multiplication and division - Multiple by 3 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the provided material, Year 3 students are engaged in a series of mathematical challenges as part of their Autumn Term learning, specifically in Week 11, Day 1. The exercises are aimed at consolidating their understanding of multiplication and division, with a particular focus on multiplying by 3. Students begin with a 'Fluent in Four' revision task, where they are presented with problems that combine numerical operations with real-life contexts. For instance, they are tasked with adding two numbers together, such as 'Three tens and 28 ones add twenty-six', which requires them to recognise and combine place values and simple addition to find the sum.

The worksheet continues with a variety of exercises designed to enhance the students' arithmetic skills. They must complete sentences that involve finding missing numbers in equations, such as '73 = 34 +', and they are asked to explain the sorting criteria for different shapes, thereby integrating geometry with their numerical understanding. Additionally, practical applications of division are introduced through scenarios like determining the number of bags of lemons that can be made from a given quantity, each bag containing 10 lemons. The exercises further include problems that require students to calculate the total number of penguins on blocks of ice by multiplying the number of penguins per block by the number of blocks. These activities not only strengthen their multiplication and division skills but also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.

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