Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping - Starter

Maths Resource Description
In this Year 3 mathematics lesson, students are engaging with a series of exercises designed to strengthen their understanding of basic arithmetic operations, particularly focusing on multiplication and division through grouping. The lesson begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision activity, which aims to build fluency in mental arithmetic over four steps. The first step in the activity is a simple subtraction problem, where students are tasked with finding the difference between 81 and 36. Next, they are challenged to double the number 33 and then subtract twenty-nine from it, further practicing their addition and subtraction skills.
Students then move on to division problems that involve sharing a set number of cubes equally between boxes, with the first example dividing 10 cubes between 2 boxes, and the subsequent problem dividing 24 cubes between 8 boxes. These division exercises help students understand the concept of making equal groups through grouping. Additionally, the lesson includes a task to add two numbers, 52 and 20, enhancing their addition skills. To aid in developing an understanding of fractions, students match fraction bar representations with their corresponding words—one third, one half, and one quarter. The lesson also incorporates an exercise to complete a table with tens and ones, reinforcing place value knowledge. This comprehensive approach ensures that students are able to calculate, understand fractions, and grasp the value of numbers within a place value chart.