Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
In a mathematics lesson focused on multiplication and division, students revisit the concept of creating equal groups through a process known as grouping. The lesson encourages students to differentiate between grouping and sharing, with the former being the method of division in focus. Practical examples are provided to illustrate the concept, such as determining the number of pots needed if pencils from a pack of 20 are to be placed 5 in each pot. This real-world application helps students to visualise the division process and understand how to divide by grouping items into equal sets.
Further activities challenge students to apply their understanding of grouping to various scenarios. For instance, they must calculate the number of jars required when sweets are divided into groups of 4, or the number of bags Mrs. Blue can fill with 3 sweets each from her total of 18 sweets. These exercises not only reinforce the grouping concept but also encourage the use of division formulas. Students are also prompted to engage with number lines as a visual aid to divide quantities into equal groups, such as finding out how many groups of 6 can be made from 30. The lesson culminates in reasoning tasks where students explore different ways to form equal groups with a set number of items, enhancing their problem-solving skills and deepening their understanding of division through grouping.