Multiplication and division - The 8 times table - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
Mastering the 8 times table is the focus of a comprehensive lesson plan that encourages students to use their existing multiplication knowledge to assist them. The teaching slides prompt students to explore the concept of the distributive law, which is a strategy that involves breaking down multiplication into more manageable parts. Students are asked to reflect on what they already know and identify areas that need further practice by filling in missing products in given multiplication sentences, such as 8 x 2 and 8 x 11. The lesson aims to deepen understanding of the 8 times table through a variety of engaging activities, including completing diagrams and bar models with known facts.
Further activities challenge students to use the distributive law and other multiplication facts to solve problems related to the 8 times table. For example, they might use concrete or pictorial representations to visualise multiplication and understand patterns within the table. The lesson also includes reasoning exercises, such as explaining why all numbers in the 8 times table are even and exploring the relationship between multiples of 4 and 8. Additionally, students are tasked with investigating all possible combinations of 4 and 8 can packs to make up a total of 56 cans, promoting critical thinking and application of multiplication in real-life contexts. Independent work reinforces the lesson's concepts, with students completing bar models and demonstrating their understanding of the distributive law.