Multiplication and division - The 4 times table - Presentation

Year 3
Multiplication and division - The 4 times table - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a structured presentation for mastering the 4 times table, students are encouraged to enhance their multiplication and division skills through a variety of engaging activities. The lesson begins with counting in fours, asking students to continue number sequences that reinforce the concept of the 4 times table. Students are then prompted to identify which multiplication facts they know well and which require further practice, with examples provided to fill in the blanks, such as 4 x 2 and 12 x 4. The lesson is designed to build fluency and reasoning, with a focus on understanding patterns within the 4 times table.

Further activities involve using pictorial representations to solidify the students' understanding of multiplying by four. Students complete calculations such as 1 x 4, 2 x 4, and so on, while observing the emerging patterns. Real-world application problems, such as calculating the number of wheels on multiple cars or the number of legs on several animals, help students apply their knowledge in practical scenarios. The lesson also includes a reasoning section where students can discuss different methods to find the product of 4 x 5, encouraging them to think critically about the multiplication process. Colouring in multiples of 4 on a number grid and identifying patterns among them further supports the visual and conceptual learning of the times table.

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