Place value - Compare numbers - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "Compare Numbers" is designed to enhance students' understanding of place value and their ability to compare and order numbers up to 1,000. It aligns with the National Curriculum objectives, which include comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000, reading and writing these numbers in both numerals and words, and recognising the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones). To facilitate learning, the worksheet provides differentiated sheets and teaching slides, with the option to use Base 10 blocks if necessary.
Students are encouraged to compare numbers presented as numerals, using efficient methods and strategies they have previously learned. They may use a number line, manipulatives, or a place value chart to assist in their comparison. The worksheet challenges children to insert the correct symbols (<, =, >) to complete statements comparing different numbers. The activity is structured to cater to various levels of understanding, ranging from "Working Towards" to "Greater Depth." For each level, numbers are represented differently, including as digits, number sentences, written words, and partitioned number sentences. Additionally, the worksheet incorporates reasoning and problem-solving tasks, such as determining how many marbles could be in a bowl given certain conditions, and deducing a mystery number based on clues provided.