Place value - Compare numbers - Starter

Year 3
Place value - Compare numbers - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Year 3 students are presented with a series of engaging mathematical exercises to reinforce their understanding of place value and number comparisons. The 'Fluent in Four' revision segment challenges students to apply their arithmetic skills to solve problems such as finding half of 36 and then subtracting 14, and performing subtraction with numbers like 63 and 27. The 'Calculate' section requires students to demonstrate their ability to work out the difference between two numbers, fostering their mental calculation proficiency.

The lesson continues with a visual comparison task where students use greater than, less than, or equal to symbols to compare different combinations of hundreds, tens, and ones. This helps to deepen their comprehension of numerical value. Additionally, students are tasked with understanding money through exercises that involve adding pence to pounds, thereby practising the concept of total value. The lesson also includes an exploratory activity where students identify which shapes represent quarters, further enhancing their knowledge of fractions. These exercises are thoughtfully designed to build confidence in mathematical concepts through practical application and visual learning tools.

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