Fractions - Problem solving with fractions - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 2 lesson centred around fractions, children explore the concepts of parts and wholes, learning to divide objects and numbers into equal and unequal groups. The lesson utilises a range of resources, including a teaching presentation and practical items such as square-shaped paper, scissors, counters, and cubes. Key vocabulary such as 'whole', 'part', 'equal', 'unequal', 'group', 'shape', and 'number' is introduced, with vocabulary cards available to support understanding. The class begins with a discussion facilitated by the teaching presentation, where children engage in partner talk to grasp what constitutes a 'whole' and a 'part' of a whole, using tangible examples such as parts of the human body.
Following the initial discussion, students work in small groups with classroom objects to create their own equal and unequal groups, learning that the number of parts defines equality, not characteristics like colour. Activities are designed to encourage children to identify parts that make up a 'whole' object, such as a game cube, and to deduce the 'whole' from visible parts, reinforcing their knowledge of shapes. Practical tasks are carried out independently, with mini-plenaries to discuss reasoning and approaches. The lesson addresses common misconceptions and ensures children systematically explore grouping possibilities. Differentiated activities cater to varying levels of ability, with some students receiving additional support and others challenged to work independently or with larger numbers, aiming to achieve greater depth in their understanding of fractions.