Fractions - Vocabulary

Year 1
Fractions - Vocabulary
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 1 curriculum on the concept of fractions, students are introduced to the basic vocabulary and visual representations to understand fractions as parts of a whole. A 'fraction' is defined as an equal part of a whole, such as when a pizza or an apple is divided into pieces of the same size. The term 'whole' refers to something that is complete, without any divisions. 'Half' is one of the key fractional terms taught, representing one of two equal parts of a whole. For example, when a shape is shaded to show one half, it visually demonstrates the concept of division into equal parts.

Further expanding their understanding, students learn about the term 'complete', which indicates that all parts are present to form a full whole. The word 'split' is used to describe the action of dividing something into parts, while 'quantity' refers to an amount, such as the number of items. 'Total amount' is the sum of everything counted together. The curriculum also introduces 'equal parts', which are segments of the same size, and 'non-equal parts', which are segments of different sizes. Additionally, 'a quarter' is explained as one of four equal parts, and students are shown visual examples of a glass that is a quarter full versus a glass that is full. This foundational vocabulary sets the stage for students to assess and understand fractions in various contexts.

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