Multiplication and division - Count in 10s 2 - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
The educational resource focuses on teaching children to count in tens, a fundamental concept in multiplication and division. The lesson involves a series of engaging activities aimed at reinforcing the ability to count by tens up to 100. Students begin by comparing the process of counting in ones with counting in tens, observing the patterns and differences. They are encouraged to discuss what changes and what remains constant as they count in increments of ten. The lesson is designed to help children understand the sequence of tens and the concept of place value, with the ones digit remaining constant at zero and the tens digit increasing by one with each step in the sequence.
Further activities include practical examples, such as counting penguins on blocks of ice, apples on trees, flowers in bunches, and wolves on boulders, all in groups of ten. These exercises help children visualize and understand the concept of counting in tens in real-world scenarios. Additionally, students are asked to count beads in tens, both forwards and backwards, and relate this to counting on a number track, drawing parallels between different counting methods. The lesson also incorporates reasoning tasks, such as determining if there are enough strawberries in packs of ten to meet a given requirement, and identifying patterns within a hundred square. Independent work challenges students to apply their counting skills to various problems, ensuring they grasp the concept of counting in tens and can use it effectively in mathematical contexts.