Multiplication and division - Count in 10s 2 - Planning

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Count in 10s 2 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The Year 1 Summer Multiplication and Division curriculum introduces a lesson on counting in 10s, which is a fundamental step towards understanding basic multiplication and numerical patterns. The lesson utilises a variety of resources, including a 100 square, bead strings, counters, worksheets, and a presentation to aid visual and practical learning. The lesson begins with a small step starter where children recap their previous knowledge, followed by class teaching input that encourages them to count out groups of 10 using counters. This hands-on approach helps to solidify their understanding of the concept of counting in increments of ten.

Throughout the lesson, children engage in practical activities that involve using bead strings to visually represent and count in tens, with a focus on recognising patterns in the numbers. They also write down the sequences of tens on whiteboards while an adult counts aloud, reinforcing auditory and visual learning. The lesson addresses common misconceptions, such as when to start counting from zero or ten, and ensures that children understand the correct starting point. To consolidate learning, the lesson concludes with a plenary session where children reflect on what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging. Differentiated activities are provided to support children working at various levels, from those working towards expected outcomes to those capable of exploring greater depth by manipulating the numbers in more complex ways, such as adding or removing quantities from a total.

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