Multiplication and division - Count in 5s - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
In the set of teaching slides focused on multiplication and division, students are encouraged to develop their fluency and reasoning skills by counting in increments of 5. The lesson begins with a sequence exercise where students are asked to continue counting from numbers such as 5, 10, 15, and so on, while recognising the emerging pattern. Various activities are designed to provide hands-on experience with this concept. For example, one activity prompts students to calculate the total number of fish by identifying the number of fish in each tank and the number of tanks, multiplying these together, and then applying this process to find the total number of fish.
Further activities include counting the number of marbles in jars, continuing the counting sequence on a 50 square grid, and completing a number line by counting in 5s. These exercises are not only designed to strengthen the students' ability to count by fives but also to enable them to discern patterns such as numbers ending in 5 or 0. The lesson also includes reasoning challenges, such as identifying the odd number out in a sequence or determining the accuracy of statements involving counting in 5s. Independent work tasks encourage students to colour in multiples of 5 and complete number lines, reinforcing their understanding of the pattern and the concept of multiplication as repeated addition.