Multiplication and division - Count in 5s - Planning

Maths Resource Description
In the first lesson of a Year 1 summer term series on multiplication, the focus is on counting in multiples of 5 up to 50. The lesson begins with a small step starter where children recap their previous learning by counting in 5s using various representations on worksheets. The class teaching input encourages partner work, where children discuss and articulate their understanding of the counting pattern. Through a series of activities presented on slides, the children explore different scenarios such as counting fish in tanks or marbles, describing patterns, and filling in missing numbers on a number line. The aim is to help them understand the sequence of numbers when counting in 5s and to recognise that multiples of 5 always end in 0 or 5.
The lesson also includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks to deepen understanding. Children are asked to calculate the number of counters needed to make flowers in multiples of 5, identify commonalities between certain numbers, and physically count fingers in groups of 5. Key questions prompt them to think about the pattern of counting in 5s and whether specific numbers would appear on a number line. The plenary session encourages self-reflection with the "Give me five" activity, where students consider what they have learned and the skills they used or found challenging. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of ability, from those working towards the expected level to those ready for greater depth, with tasks ranging from counting forwards to solving problems involving counting in 5s.