Place Value within 50 - Represent numbers to 50 - Starter

Maths Resource Description
In a Year 1 mathematics lesson, students are exploring the concept of place value within the number range up to 50. The lesson focuses on representing numbers using tens and ones, a fundamental building block in their understanding of numbers and how they work. The starter activity prompts children to engage with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, where they solve simple calculations such as finding half of 18 and adding zero, or combining seven and twelve to reinforce their arithmetic skills. They are also asked to deconstruct the number 50 into tens and ones, providing a clear visual representation of how numbers are composed in the decimal system.
Practical application of the lesson is encouraged through interactive questions such as counting the number of big and small fish in an illustration, allowing students to apply their counting skills in a fun and engaging context. Additionally, the lesson includes comparative exercises where children identify which object is longer, enhancing their ability to make direct comparisons and use measurement vocabulary. This multifaceted approach to learning numbers not only solidifies their grasp of place value but also integrates the concept into real-world scenarios, fostering a deeper and more intuitive understanding of mathematics for young learners.