Addition and subtraction within 10 - Subtraction using the symbol - Worksheet

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Subtraction using the symbol - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

The worksheet titled "Subtraction using the symbol" is designed to enhance the fluency and precision of primary school children in subtraction within 10. It aligns with the National Curriculum objectives, which include the addition and subtraction of one-digit and two-digit numbers up to 20, understanding number bonds within 20, and solving simple one-step problems. This particular worksheet focuses on the subtraction aspect, employing the subtraction symbol (-) to frame mathematical statements and problems. Children are encouraged to use concrete resources such as part-whole models, cubes, and counters to visualize and solve the problems, reinforcing their comprehension of subtraction as taking away.

The worksheet offers a variety of tasks to cater to different levels of proficiency, from those working towards expected standards to those who are at greater depth. For example, children are asked to complete number sentences such as "6 – 3 = ____" and to solve practical problems like determining the number of sweets left after some are given away. The questions are designed to prompt critical thinking, asking students to compare different calculations and to explore how many ways they can achieve a result of zero. Additionally, the worksheet includes reasoning and problem-solving sections where children can investigate patterns and rules, such as why certain digits cannot be used in their calculations. This engaging and interactive approach aims to build confidence and mastery in subtraction.

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