Addition and subtraction within 10 - Subtraction using the symbol - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Subtraction using the symbol - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 mathematics lesson focused on addition and subtraction within 10, the 'Fluent in Four' revision activity provides an engaging way for young learners to practice their arithmetic skills. The session begins with a warm-up exercise where children are encouraged to complete a series of number sentences using basic operations. They are asked to find the result of expressions such as 'half of 8 plus double 1' and to add together numbers like 5 and 1. This serves to reinforce their understanding of halving, doubling, and straightforward addition.

Moving on to subtraction, the children use 10 counters to help them visualise and solve problems such as '6 minus 4'. They are also challenged to fill in the blanks in subtraction sentences, further developing their ability to subtract numbers within 10. The activity is designed to be hands-on, allowing the children to physically manipulate counters to understand subtraction better. Additionally, the task of finding a set with 5 items incorporates a practical element to the lesson, which helps to solidify the concept of quantity and enhances their counting skills.

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