Addition and subtraction within 10 - Find the difference 2 - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Find the difference 2 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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On Day 3 of Week 9 in the Autumn Term, Year 1 students are tasked with engaging in a series of activities designed to reinforce their addition and subtraction skills within the number range of 10. The session begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise that requires the use of 10 counters to aid in their calculations. The children are prompted with questions that encourage them to recall and apply basic mathematical operations. For instance, they are asked to complete the equation "7 + ___ = 9" by finding the missing number, to double the number 4, and to add "three + three".

Further enhancing their understanding of numbers, the children are invited to solve real-world problems involving counting and comparison. One problem asks them to determine the age of a character named Tia by counting candles, using their counters to assist in the calculation. Additionally, the children compare the number of sweets between two characters, Mal and Zach, to find out the total amount they have and to calculate the difference in their quantities. This practical application of addition and subtraction within 10 helps to solidify the students' numerical fluency and problem-solving abilities at this early stage of learning mathematics.

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