Addition and subtraction within 10 - Find the difference 2 - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
The "Find the Difference" worksheet is an educational resource aimed at enhancing the mathematical fluency and precision of students within the age group of Year 1. The lesson, which is the 22nd in the series, revolves around the concept of finding the difference between numbers using bar models and is aligned with the National Curriculum objective. This objective encompasses adding and subtracting one-digit and two-digit numbers up to 20, including zero, as well as representing and utilising number bonds and related subtraction facts within the same range. Additionally, students are expected to read, write, and interpret mathematical statements that include addition, subtraction, and equals signs, and solve one-step problems involving these operations, including those with missing numbers.
For this lesson, various resources are required, including differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and physical manipulatives like cubes or numicon to visually demonstrate differences between numbers. The vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as add, subtract, number bonds, counting on, missing parts, part-whole, value, number sentence, difference, and backwards. The worksheet activities prompt students to compare quantities, such as the number of pink and yellow gems, books, or sweets that characters have, and determine who has more or fewer items. By completing the bar models and answering questions, students practice finding the difference and develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills. The worksheet also includes answers for reference, ensuring students can check their work and understand the correct methods for finding differences.