Place value within 10 - Ordinal numbers - Presentation

Year 1
Place value within 10 - Ordinal numbers - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging activities, children are introduced to the concept of ordinal numbers, which describe the position of objects in a sequence. The lesson begins with a discussion about ordinal numbers, prompting children to continue the pattern of 'first, second, third…' and to identify ordinal terms such as '1st, 2nd, 3rd…'. The lesson's practical exercises are designed to help children understand and apply ordinal numbers in various contexts. For example, they are asked to create a tower using different coloured cubes and then describe the order of the colours using terms like 'first', 'second', 'third', and 'last'. This activity also encourages collaborative learning by having children give precise instructions to their partners to replicate the tower.

Further activities include identifying the position of specific items, such as circling the 5th doughnut or the 3rd sweet in a series. Children are also tasked with describing the order of coloured beads on a string, which reinforces their understanding of ordinal numbers in a tangible way. More complex exercises challenge students to deduce the correct order of objects based on given clues, such as in a race scenario where they must determine the finishing positions of participants. The lesson concludes with a discussion around the usage of ordinal numbers in everyday contexts and encourages critical thinking by asking questions like "When would I use 'last' place?" and "Is there always a 4th? Why?". These activities are designed to deepen the students' comprehension of place value in relation to ordinal numbers.

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