Place value within 10 - Ordinal numbers - Worksheet

Year 1
Place value within 10 - Ordinal numbers - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet titled "Fluency & Precision 1Ordinal Numbers" from provides a practical exercise for Year 1 students to understand and apply ordinal numbers. The National Curriculum objective for this lesson is to identify and represent numbers using various methods and to use comparative language. Students are expected to count, read, and write numbers up to 10 in both numerals and words. The worksheet requires children to identify the colour of beads based on their ordinal position, such as "5th" or "fifth", and to determine the position of a coloured bead. This activity helps to reinforce the concept of ordinal numbers as positional within a sequence.

In addition to the core activity, the worksheet includes a "Reasoning & Problem Solving" section which challenges students to apply their understanding of ordinal numbers to more complex scenarios. They need to evaluate statements about the positions of coloured cubes and determine their truthfulness. This encourages critical thinking and the application of learnt concepts in varied contexts. The worksheet supports learning with key vocabulary such as "first", "last", and "order", and includes stem sentences to help children use mathematical language correctly. It also provides answers for self-assessment or teacher evaluation, ensuring that students can check their understanding and correct any mistakes.

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