Place value within 10 - Order numbers - Presentation

Year 1
Place value within 10 - Order numbers - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a comprehensive set of teaching slides aimed at enhancing students' understanding of place value within 10, the lesson on ordering numbers takes centre stage. The objective is for students to learn to arrange numbers either from greatest to smallest or vice versa. To achieve this, they are introduced to comparison symbols such as greater than, less than, and equal to. The lesson begins with a discussion to refresh the students' memory on what these symbols signify. Students are then engaged in various activities where they practice ordering objects, such as dominos, by comparing the number of dots to determine which has more and which has fewer, thereby establishing an order from greatest to smallest or the reverse.

As the lesson progresses, students are challenged with tasks that require them to use the comparison symbols correctly to make statements true. They are also tasked with placing numbers in sequences to satisfy given conditions, which reinforces their understanding of numerical order. In addition, they must explain their reasoning behind the ordering, further developing their critical thinking skills. The lesson includes hands-on activities where students use physical objects like cubes to explore different combinations and orders, stimulating their reasoning abilities. Finally, the students cut out number cards and order them, first from greatest to smallest, then from smallest to greatest, solidifying their grasp of place value and number order.

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