Measuring Angles in Degrees - Worksheet

Year 5
Measuring Angles in Degrees - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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The "Measuring Angles in Degrees" worksheet is an educational resource designed to help students understand and calculate angles within a circle, where a full circle is equal to 360 degrees. The worksheet tasks students with identifying the size of shaded angles in various circles and classifying them as right, acute, obtuse, straight, or reflex angles. For example, students might be asked to determine whether a shaded area represents an acute angle or another type of angle and record their findings.

In addition to angle identification, the worksheet includes exercises that require students to draw the position of a minute hand on a clock face after it has been turned a specified number of degrees, either clockwise or anti-clockwise. Students are also asked to consider directional turns from given points of the compass and determine the new direction they would be facing after making turns of certain degrees. For instance, they might need to work out the resulting direction after a 270-degree anti-clockwise turn from the West. Answers are provided to facilitate learning and self-assessment, allowing students to check their work and understand the correct application of angle measurement in practical scenarios.

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