Measuring Angles in Degrees
Year 5

Measuring Angles in Degrees - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2

Teacher of Primary
Maths Lesson Description
Measuring Angles in Degrees - Year 5 Year 5 -; Geometry - properties of shapes Pupils should be taught to: know angles are measured in degrees In this geometry teaching resource, pupils identify 360° around a point, 180° and 90°. They begin to recognise and deduce common angles e.g. 45° and 270°. Pupils are introduced to reflex angles and straight angles for the first time. This lesson covers the year 5 curriculum objective listed above and supports the White Rose small steps guidance for year 5 - Summer - Block 2 - Geometry - properties of shapes. Content includes: Right, acute and obtuse angles recap Reflex and straight angles explanation Degrees explanation Activities designed to reinforce and consolidate children's learning 3 differentiated worksheets with answers 'Measuring Angles in Degrees - Year 5' is
Lesson contents
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