Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 - PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
AI generated

In a comprehensive set of Maths Teaching Resources, learners are introduced to the concept of counting in steps of integers, decimals, and powers of 10. The resources include a PowerPoint presentation that guides students through the process of understanding powers of 10, such as ten to the power of one (10¹) being 10, and ten to the power of six (10⁶) being 1,000,000. The presentation provides clear examples of how to count forwards or backwards from a chosen start number in steps of various sizes, whether it's in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even in decimal increments like 0.6.

The exercises included in the resources are designed to enhance students' number and place value skills. They offer practical examples of counting forwards in steps of 1001, 10,000, or 0.6, as well as counting backwards in steps of 100,000, 1,250, or 1.8. To further challenge the learners, the 'Big Number Challenge' prompts them to add specific numbers to a given number to alter certain digits, reinforcing their understanding of place value. Additionally, a place value chart is provided to help visualise the positions of millions down to thousandths. The resources conclude with an interactive game where students roll dice, move counters, and perform various arithmetic operations, all aimed at cementing their grasp of place value and arithmetic sequence.

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