Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10

Year 5
Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 - PowerPoint
Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 - Worksheet
Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Lesson Description

KS2 Maths Teaching Resources - Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 (Year 6); Consolidate KS2 Maths skills with this NC14 ready 26 slide PowerPoint teaching resource. ;Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10; also contains 1 worksheet. In this teaching resource Year 6 pupils learn how to count forwards or backwards in steps of integers, decimals and powers of 10. KS2 Maths Teaching Resources: Integers, Decimals and Powers of 10 .
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