Numbers to Ten Million - PowerPoint

Year 6
Numbers to Ten Million - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this comprehensive set of maths teaching resources aimed at Year 6 students, the concept of place value up to ten million is explored in depth. The materials cover the importance of understanding the value of digits depending on their position within a number. For example, the digit 6 could represent 6,000 in one number and 60 in another, depending on its place. Students are encouraged to practice reading, writing, recognising, and representing numbers up to ten million through various exercises. They learn how to determine the value of digits in different positions and the significance of zero in place value, which acts as a placeholder in a number.

Interactive activities such as partner discussions and problem-solving exercises are integrated into the lessons to enhance understanding. Students are prompted to think critically about the value of digits by comparing them within different numbers. They also engage in tasks that involve representing numbers in various ways, such as partitioning and reordering digits to form the highest or lowest possible numbers. The resources emphasise the practical application of place value knowledge, with worksheets designed to test fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Students are reminded to double-check their answers and consider the place value of each digit carefully.

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