Quarters - PowerPoint

Year 2
Quarters - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This educational resource provides a comprehensive guide on understanding fractions, specifically quarters, tailored for Year 2 students. It commences with a clear explanation of what it means to quarter an object, which is to divide it into four equal parts. The material emphasizes the concept that each of these parts is called a quarter and can be represented by the fraction 1/4. The numerator, the top number, indicates the number of parts considered, while the denominator, the bottom number, shows into how many equal parts the whole has been divided. The resource is replete with engaging activities that prompt students to identify which images represent a quarter and to apply their knowledge by shading a quarter of various shapes.

Further activities within the resource challenge students to circle images that are divided into quarters and to complete sentences that reinforce the concept of a quarter. For instance, they might be asked to determine what a quarter of a given number is. Additionally, the resource includes real-life scenarios, such as dividing sweets or sharing pencils among people, to help students grasp the practical application of quarters. To ensure understanding, the resource also comes with worksheets that require students to shade, circle, or colour a quarter of different items, and to fill in the blanks with the correct numbers. The activities are designed to reinforce the recognition and calculation of quarters in various contexts, making it an invaluable tool for building a strong foundation in fractions for young learners.

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