Quarters - Worksheet

Year 2
Quarters - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Recognising a Quarter Worksheet" is a comprehensive teaching resource designed to help Year 6 students understand the concept of quarters. The worksheet is a mixture of exercises that require students to identify, shade, and calculate quarters in different contexts. The first section prompts students to complete sentences by determining how many equal parts a whole is divided into and what each part represents. The second section challenges them to circle images that have been divided into quarters, while the third asks them to shade a quarter of various shapes. Further exercises include true or false questions where students must justify their answers and tasks where they must circle the odd one out, providing explanations for their choices. Additionally, there are scenarios involving characters like Kamal and Kevin or Zoe and Zara, where students must evaluate if a quarter has been shaded correctly and explain their reasoning.

The "Finding a Quarter Worksheet" takes a more mathematical approach, guiding students through shading, circling, and calculating a quarter of given shapes, quantities, and numbers. In the first activity, students are asked to shade a quarter of presented shapes and complete related sentences. The second activity involves circling a quarter of given quantities and filling in the blanks to reinforce the concept. Students also use bar models to understand the division of quantities into quarters and halves. The worksheet includes practical word problems, such as determining the cost of a football that is a quarter of a given amount or figuring out the total number of shells Brian had before sharing them with his friends. These activities not only teach the mathematical concept of quarters but also enhance logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

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