Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Sketching 3D shapes (2)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Sketching 3D shapes (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths curriculum for Year 6, students continue to develop their understanding of three-dimensional shapes through a lesson on sketching 3D shapes. One of the shapes they explore is the cuboid, a solid figure with six rectangular faces, where opposite faces are equal and angles are right angles. This exercise helps students to visualise and represent three-dimensional objects on paper, which is an essential skill in both mathematics and real-world applications. Students are encouraged to pay attention to the properties of a cuboid, such as its edges, vertices, and faces, to accurately depict the shape.

Additionally, learners are introduced to the triangular prism, another 3D shape that consists of two triangular bases connected by rectangular sides. Sketching this shape requires an understanding of how to represent the triangular bases in perspective. The lesson also covers the pyramid, a polyhedron with a polygonal base and triangular faces that converge at a single point known as the apex. Students are tasked with sketching these shapes in a way that shows their understanding of the spatial relationships between the faces and edges. To support their learning, students are directed to workbook pages 124 to 125, where they can find exercises and examples to practice sketching these 3D shapes accurately.

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