Addition and Subtraction

Addition and Subtraction - PowerPoint
Addition and Subtraction - Worksheet
Addition and Subtraction - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Addition and Subtraction - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Lesson Description

Addition and Subtraction - Year 6 Year 6 Maths programme of study - Number (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division): solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations solve problems involving addition, subtraction This Year 6 Maths teaching resource includes a PowerPoint and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through addition and subtraction to solve calculations and multi-step problems as per the curriculum objectives listed above. It will help the children understand how to solve addition and subtraction problems in context and children learn which operation to use and why. The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children's learning. The resource contains two lessons, which support the White Rose Small Steps guidance, and are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching Maths. Content includes: Lessons 1 and 2: Addition and Subtraction with 2 accompanying worksheets with answers 'Addition and Subtraction - Year 6' is 'Addition and Subtraction - Year 6' is included in our complete teaching unit 'The Four Operations - Year 6'. Click on the image below to take a closer look. (image)
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