The start of World War 2 - Why did we have a war? - Year 6

Year 6
The start of World War 2 - Why did we have a war? - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The curriculum for Year 6 delves into the complex origins of World War Two, aiming to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the historical events that led to this global conflict. The lesson utilises a series of educational video clips to explore the conclusion of World War One and its aftermath, particularly focusing on the severe economic turmoil faced by Germany. These resources serve as a foundation for pupils to grasp the significant factors contributing to the rise of World War Two.

After engaging with the content, students are encouraged to discuss and debate the reasons behind the war's inevitability, potentially revisiting the clips to solidify their understanding. The culmination of this lesson requires pupils to compose a non-chronological report that outlines the catalysts for World War Two's commencement. This task not only enhances their historical knowledge but also hones their analytical and writing skills. Furthermore, the lesson prompts students to reflect on the broader impacts of both world wars on Britain, as well as the specific triggers of the conflicts and the role of key figures such as Adolf Hitler.