The start of World War 2 - Why did it start? - Worksheet - Year 6

Year 6
The start of World War 2 - Why did it start? - Worksheet - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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A worksheet designed for Year 6 students delves into the significant historical event of World War Two, with an emphasis on understanding the reasons behind its inception. The worksheet prompts students to consider the broader implications of both world wars on Britain, encouraging them to reflect on the transformative impact these global conflicts had on the nation. It further guides them to explore the causes of World War One and then to specifically focus on the factors that led to the outbreak of World War Two, including an examination of Adolf Hitler's role in the escalation of tensions that culminated in the war.

The educational material aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the complex political and social dynamics that contributed to the start of the Second World War. By analysing the causes, children are expected to gain insight into the historical context and the sequence of events that set the stage for one of the most devastating wars in history. The worksheet is likely part of a larger set of resources that facilitate an in-depth study of this period, helping students to build a solid foundation of knowledge about the 20th century's defining moments.