Long-term overview - Indus Valley - Year 4

History Resource Description
In the Year 4 history curriculum, students delve into the intriguing world of the Indus Valley civilisation, exploring its people and their way of life. The course prompts students to consider who inhabited the Indus Valley and the nature of their daily lives. It also encourages them to compare this period with what was happening in Britain during the same era. A key aim is to understand the role of archaeologists in uncovering the past, shedding light on the Indus Valley and other historical sites.
The curriculum extends beyond facts and dates, emphasising the development of disciplinary knowledge such as chronology, causation, historical enquiry, and interpretation. Students learn to place events on a timeline and understand the concept of events occurring concurrently in different parts of the world, such as the Indus Valley and Ancient Egypt. They are taught to differentiate between primary and secondary sources, use various sources to gather information, and consider multiple accounts of historical events to understand differing perspectives. This holistic approach to history education helps students appreciate the significance of the past and its impact on the present, drawing comparisons between different historical periods and civilisations.