Why do we no longer have a British Empire? - Teacher notes

History Resource Description
The teacher's notes provided outline a concise educational unit focused on the dissolution of the British Empire and the subsequent formation of the Commonwealth of Nations. This unit is designed to offer pupils a fundamental understanding of the historical transition from the vast British Empire, which once encompassed numerous territories across the globe, to the modern political association known as the Commonwealth, which connects a group of independent countries, many of which were former territories of the Empire.
While the notes indicate that no specific tasks are currently included for the pupils, teachers are encouraged to consider integrating their own activities to enhance learning engagement. The unit is part of a larger scheme of work, with the expectation that the other four units will be more time-intensive. Key questions posed for exploration in this unit include the reasons behind the creation of the British Empire and the factors that led to its eventual decline, prompting a shift towards a new international partnership among nations.