Explain why the Maya were deemed to be an advanced civilisation - Presentation challenge

Year 5
Explain why the Maya were deemed to be an advanced civilisation - Presentation challenge
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Maya civilisation, which flourished in Mesoamerica from around 2000 BCE to the 16th century CE, is often considered advanced due to their remarkable achievements in various fields. Their sophisticated understanding of astronomy and mathematics enabled them to create an intricate calendar system that accurately predicted celestial events. The Maya also developed a complex writing system, consisting of glyphs, which was one of the earliest known forms of written language in the Western Hemisphere. Their advancements in architecture are still evident today through the grandeur of their pyramids, temples, and cities, such as Tikal and Chichen Itza, which were constructed with precise astronomical alignments.

Furthermore, the Maya excelled in agricultural innovation, creating intensive farming methods like raised fields and terrace farming to sustain large populations. They were skilled artisans, creating elaborate pottery, sculptures, and jewellery. In addition to their tangible achievements, the Maya made significant contributions to the cultural and intellectual heritage of the Americas, with their mythology, religious practices, and social organisation influencing subsequent civilisations. The evidence of the Maya's advanced nature is not only found in their enduring monuments and artefacts but also in the knowledge passed down through generations, which continues to be studied and admired today.