How different were the toys that our grandparents' played with? - Teacher notes

Year 1
How different were the toys that our grandparents' played with? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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To explore the differences in childhood experiences across generations, a unique classroom activity is planned where students will delve into the world of toys and games from the past. The activity begins with constructing a visual timeline, spanning from 1950 to the present day. Students are encouraged to mark significant dates, including their own birth, their parents', and their grandparents'. This timeline serves as a foundation for discussing the reliability of historical sources and how we ascertain what life was like half a century ago.

The lesson takes an interactive turn as grandparents are invited to the classroom to engage in a playful challenge: they will attempt to play an electronic game that did not exist during their youth. This cross-generational interaction is enriched by a pre-prepared list of insightful questions that students have crafted, aimed at uncovering the nature of their grandparents' childhood toys and games. The activity prompts students to compare popular toys from the 1960s and 1970s with those of today, fostering a discussion about the evolution of playthings and the impact of technological advancements on children's play.