At the begining of WW2, what was appeasement and was it a cowardly approach?

Teacher notes
At the begining of WW2, what was appeasement and was it a cowardly approach? - Info Pack - Year 6
Hitler, a dangerous enemy' - Worksheet - Year 6
What was 'appeasement'? - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Peace in our time - Chamberlain's speech to the British - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Peace in our time - Churchill did not agree - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Was it right for Chamberlain to try appeasement? - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Write a persuasive piece to convince everyone either Churchill or Chamberlain was right - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Declaration of war with Germany - World War 1 and 2 - Year 6
Main points of Chamberlain's speech on 3rd September 1939 - Worksheet - Year 6
Resource 1/11
Focus Education
Focus Education
Year 1 Geography lesson from the unit Features of the UK. This lesson uses an enquiry-approach method, and will facilitate students answering the question 'At the begining of WW2, what was appeasement and was it a cowardly approach??'