Start Learning To Spell With Phonics (7-11 years) - Activity Pack (5)
English Resource Description
Designed for children aged between 7 and 11 years, the "Start Learning To Spell With Phonics" Activity Pack (5) is a resource created by Sally Jones and Amanda Jones to enhance spelling skills through phonics. The pack provides engaging exercises that encourage young learners to construct sentences using words composed of three or four letter sounds. This approach not only helps in understanding the phonetic structure of words but also reinforces spelling in a practical context.
One of the activities in the pack features Zoggy, a character who takes on the task of crafting sentences with three-letter words. In Zoggy's third challenge, the learners are invited to 'Report back to Planet Zen' by creating simple yet meaningful sentences, such as "A fat pig digs in the mud." This activity not only makes learning to spell fun and interactive but also helps in developing the children's ability to form coherent sentences while applying their phonetic knowledge.