Start Learning To Spell With Phonics (7-11 years) - Activity Pack (4)
English Resource Description
The "Start Learning To Spell With Phonics" activity pack, suited for children aged 7 to 11, is designed to help young learners master the basics of spelling through phonics. This particular activity, crafted by Sally Jones and Amanda Jones, focuses on spelling three-letter words. The friendly character Zoggy introduces the second challenge, encouraging children to use phonics to sound out a variety of simple words.
In this exercise, Zoggy explains that the middle sounds of the words are vowels, which include 'a', 'e', 'o', 'i', and 'u'. All other sounds are referred to as consonants. The activity provides a list of three-letter words such as 'dog', 'fox', 'hen', 'got', and many others for the children to practice. By blending the sounds of the letters together, children learn to pronounce and spell each word. As they gain confidence with these shorter words, they are encouraged to apply the same phonetic principles to sound out longer, more complex words like 'fantastic' and 'alien'. This step-by-step approach aids in the development of their spelling and phonics skills, building a strong foundation for literacy.